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Alibaba Cloud and Its Benefits

As the subsidiary business unit and the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, Alibaba Cloud provides cloud computing services covering PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, big data and bespoke solutions. An exclusive range of cloud computing products and services including Elastic Computing and Networking, Security and Management, Database, Application Services, Domains and website, Storage and CDN and Analytics are available on Alibaba Cloud. In addition, users are eligible to get the benefits like cloud security, record breaking computing power, and etc.

The Advantages of Alibaba Cloud’s Services

Alibaba Cloud
  1. Cloud Security

With extensive web security experience of Alibaba Group and hundreds of well-known e-commerce platform in China like Taobao, Tmall and Alipay, Alibaba Group understands both the vulnerability and importance of cyber security. The cloud-based security service of Alibaba Cloud, Anti-DDoS Basic integrates with Alibaba Cloud ECS and it safeguards data and applications from DDoS attacks. Users will have the increased visibility and control over the security measures. Other security services include Anti-DDoS Pro, Mobile Security and Web Application Firewall. What’s more, this service is available to all Alibaba Cloud users free of charge.

  1. Reliable and Trusted

Alibaba Cloud is the first cloud security provider to earn ISO27001 Information Security Management System Certification in China. Furthermore, it is the first cloud service provider to offer Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Star certification for its facilities all over the world (CSA Star certification is an enhancement to the ISO/IEC 27001 standard that addresses issues around cloud security).

  1. China’s Largest Cloud Computing Provider

Alibaba Cloud is the leading cloud provider in China and is rising to be one of the influential cloud service providers in the world. Alibaba’s cloud division has a 22% market share in China’s IaaS market while Amazon Web Service has a 28% market share in the global IaaS market. In addition, Alibaba Cloud offers a borderless cloud service with minimal latency and international network of 14 data centers. Users could access their service around the world through a single global account.

  1. Hybrid Capabilities

Alibaba Cloud is well-known with its high scalability and hybrid capability features backed by the world’s largest hybrid cloud architecture with scalable computing power, advanced real-time data processing and analytic capabilities. Apsara, the super computational engine developed by Alibaba Cloud, is capable of ensuring the efficiencies of networks and systems.

Initially designed and launched to support the traffic and data-management of Alibaba Group’s e-commerce platforms, Alibaba Cloud is now rising as another top global player in cloud computing industry, providing robust services to people. In fact, the growth graph of Alibaba Cloud portrays its potential and capability in cloud computing services.